Saturday, March 24, 2012


This is for this week's Illustration Friday topic, "swamp."  Pug and bunny don't know what they've gotten themselves into.  I hope they make it out of the swamp okay.  But those alligators look pretty hungry, and pug and bunny aren't paying attention to the water...


  1. Stay safe, Pug and Bunny!

    Nice illustration!

  2. Oh my gosh, Pug and bunny in peril! It is very spooky! I might be more worried about some of those creepy arm branches snatching me out of the boat than the alligators. Stay calm out there, guys!

  3. I like this post!

  4. Oh noooooo! And we all know all the yummies that are consumed by little pugs. I'm afraid little pugs would be very yummy too. Ack!

    Ah, but unbeknownst to the alligators, pug and bunny are secret ninjas. Wooochaw!

    Wonderfully swampy illustration!

    And your pug alphabet is so much FUN!

  5. Thanks everyone!

    Haha Bella, I think secret ninjas is a great idea! Maybe that will be my next illustration...

  6. Pug & Bunny certainly do look a bit concerned! I can feel their tension! Nice job creating a story here! I think this is one of my favorites from you!!!

  7. Aw thanks Michele! I almost bailed on this week's IF topic since I wasn't sure how I was going to draw a swamp so your comment means a lot to me!
