Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Food Pugs

Maybe it's because pugs love food so much but have you ever noticed how so many of their positions resemble food?  The pug loaf is well known and is also referred to the puggerpillar, but do your pugs ever do any of the other positions?  Most of these are based on Sunny but Rosy is often doing the donut and popcorn.


  1. also, the burrito, which is just like the loaf

  2. I call Scarlet my little potato all the time, and also sweet potato pie. Sigh, I love my little potato.

    Scarlet & Meredith

  3. These are soooo cute. How do you always see the pugisms?

  4. Hah! My housemates and I call my cat a loaf- caraway rye in fact- when she's sitting on her paws. Her coat is patterned like a snow leopard, so yeah... total rye bread.

  5. Is it me or do pugs just take up the hole bed only when they are the thinnest of things
