Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Authentic Antler Chews

Sunny has horrible teeth, which I try to brush unsuccessfully. I had heard that antler chews are supposed to be good for their teeth so I got one for Sunny which she fiercely loved for 5 minutes and then ignored. Oh wells.

Anyways I was doing research on these antler chews and learned that they're from deer or elks that naturally shed their antlers (I learn something new every day), and then the image of impatient pugs gnawing on antlers still attached to a deer or elk popped into my head.

I briefly considered drawing this with bully sticks but wanted to keep this drawing PG. You know what those are made out of, right?? If not then google it and prepare to be grossed out. Then you will have learned something new today too!


  1. Hi, thanks for the laugh! This is awesome.

  2. Antler chews and bully sticks are two of my pug's favorite chewies. Good call going with the antlers, although the bully sticks could have been hilarious.

  3. I don't think I ever wanted to know what bully sticks are made of.... I couldn't let me pugs chew on that because of the visual I'd get! Plus IDK if I could ever touch it! LOL!

  4. I was horrified when I first found out what bully sticks were made out of! The antlers still kinda weird/gross me out but not as much as bully sticks, or pig ears (darn, that would've been a good drawing to do too!).

  5. Just found your site today. Love! My dog Tonto (not a pug) loves antlers! He has become quite efficient in destroying them now though and they only last him a few weeks. Boo. He likes bullies too but they don't last long enough and the smell/origin creeps me out.

  6. That's a funny drawing.

    My friend used to clean his dogs teeth by scraping them lightly with a popsicle stick. He said brushing doesnt work when the plaque builds up on them. He was right, all his dogs had very clean teeth. Gross job but if you love your dog...
