Monday, March 4, 2013

Why Pug, Why?

One of the things I love about having Sunny and Rosy is how they do so many strange things that crack me up.  It almost never fails - if I have a bad day, as soon as I come home I completely forget about it once I see Sunny's and Rosy's happy dance and the other silly things they do.  So here are a few things that I love to wonder about - why do they do the things they do?


  1. I will never understand why they refuse to put their heads down when they're falling asleep. YOUR EYES ARE CLOSED, I CAN SEE YOU WANT TO NAP, JUST PUT YOUR HEAD DOWN! LOL.

  2. Licking, licking, licking ...

  3. My one pug climbs into the front window, faces the sun, and then falls asleep sitting up. I don't understand it, but it's adorable.

  4. My two are ALWAYS nipping playfully at each others lil ankles...with they're mean lil darn cute!♡

  5. haha perfect! mine love licking, especially rosie who will lick the floor, carpet, couch, anything. so weird/ gross. they are also really into barking at nothing! they'll be sound asleep, wake up suddenly and then do the "woo woo!" barking for no reason haha.

  6. Guilty!! My puggies do all of this. They also think it's so much fun to chomp down and lock jaws on my pant legs, shorts, dresses, etc. and hang on for dear life as I walk away. Porque?, I too ask. Porque si.

  7. I would also like to add my little puggie has "puppy fits" where he just starts running super fast inside--around chairs, side tables, couches--his little legs go so fast on the wood floors he slides sideways and smashes into curtains, walls and our legs. It's adorable and he loves to do this, although we have no idea what he's chasing!

  8. This is GREAT! I LOVE your work! My Pug all of these things! LOL at the falling asleep sitting up one! My Simba does that all the time. His head droops and droops and he wont put it down. It's so funny that these are universal mannerisms in Pugs. Love them!
