Thursday, February 21, 2013

Let's Get Ready To Pug Ruuumbbble!

Sunny and Rosy get along pretty well nowadays and don't get into any real fights that often.  Most of the time  their tiffs are because Rosy's harassing Sunny and just being a pesky younger sister.  Sunny is pretty patient, but when it gets to be too much she fights back!  Sometimes I think Sunny actually enjoys it because afterwards she'll get into the play stance and stare at Rosy and then they run around my apartment with their butts tucked under as they make crazy snorting sounds.  So here's a few pug (really applies to all dogs I think) maneuvers when play fighting (not the real scary fighting usually over food and treats).

And if you'd like to see a bit of this in real life, here's a video of Sunny and Rosy.  I especially like Sunny's peg leg attack of waving her straight legs in the air totally ineffectively.  And notice Rosy loving stare as she gazes up at Sunny at the end.


  1. It's amazing how you capture their unique personalities in the drawings. I'm dying at the "bitch slap" one. :-)

  2. I love all your drawings... they so accurately depict little puggies....but since I only have one, I'd love to see a video of the bitch slap! LOL!

  3. haha. mine do the bitch slap move a lot. and the incessant mouth biting, but not really biting, with hilarious noises. rosie is old and she is usually annoyed, but sometimes she'll fight back!

  4. Wow, the snorty noises in the video were really something! You've really captured all the moves in the drawing. Also, I love the idea of "pug zoomies."

  5. You have such talent. You capture their motions, their personalities so well. Great work!

  6. Aww! This is too cute. This is why I want a second I can observe their hilarious interactions.

  7. Your drawings always put a smile in my day. Loved seeing the real live puggy stars!
    Thank you for sharing your talents!

  8. We have a puggie and a lab mix. whenever the lab mix gets tired or really annoyed with our puggie, she sits on him. Once all I saw was his head and his butt because she was sitting away from me! Jojo (our puggie) loved it and went back for more!

  9. I love this drawing! This is exactly how my pugs play around, except sometimes one will lay on his back so the other one will lay on his back and they'll continue wrestling on their backs, it's hilarious. Funny how pugs have the same personalities and traits ingrained, I love how you capture it in cartoon, it's amazing.
