Thursday, January 30, 2014

And Like That, Poof. It's Gone.

You only have yourself to blame if you're not keeping a constant, vigilant watch over your food if there are pugs nearby.


  1. LOL! Pizza might be the common denominator here. My sweet Tiki Belle will wait at the door for the "Pizza Man". She hears the words "Pizza Man", notices the routine and there she goes to the door. I think I order too much Pizza. :) Such a cute illustration. LOVE Bah Humpug and Grubbin' Pugs! Come see me at Soup Spice Everything Nice, lots of soup recipes there.

  2. OMG dyyyyying! One time Rosie stole a piece of pizza off of my plate and I have never seen her run so fast. Funniest thing ever.

  3. I feel soooooo bad when Soldier stares at me while I eat. :((

  4. Pierre ate about 1/4 of my salad when I answered the phone. What self-respecting pug eats salad?
