Monday, February 4, 2013

Velcro Pugs

One of the best traits of pugs is their attachment to their humans.  Some pugs are more velcro-y than others. Luckily I have two extreme velcro pugs and they follow me everywhere and always want to be right next to me.  Rosy is especially attached and will follow me from room to room, or even one side of the room to another.  My velcro pugs are glued to me, whether it's in the bathroom, exercising, lounging on the couch, or trying to use my computer.  I love every second of it!


  1. All too familiar, only at 50% for me, since I only have the Rupert. ;)

  2. so, right on! You are so funny and your artwork is awesome!

  3. haha ours are just like this too! if i'm working out, they'll try to lay on my legs and then will lick me if i'm sweaty. too funny.

  4. lil puggy girls will NEVER let me leave any room without love it!!! They're so loyal and there for me !! ♡

  5. Oh, how accurate is this !!
    Love all of your art work.
    I hope you are going to publish them as a book in the future.

  6. Oh my gosh, your awesome illustrations make me laugh at loud! I have a Boston Terrier and he does all the same stuff as your Pugs so I totally sympathize, especially on the shower lurking - so weird.

  7. My favorite part of your drawings is the incorporation of pug hair EVERYWHERE! LOL. That sums up my life...

    This was a good one as well!

    You should sell these! I'd purchase one. :-)

  8. My pug is a Shower Lurker. Cracks me up.
    Love the blog. Just stumbled on it on Pinterest.
    I enjoy the pug love and seeing what our pugs have in common. It seems they are all the same :)
