Tuesday, September 24, 2013

While I Was Sleeping

This is the position I woke up in this morning. It's a pretty common one.

If the comforter ever folds over or bunches in a spot you can be sure that Sunny and/or Rosy will plop on top of it making it impossible to gain back that comforter space. By the morning I'm usually huddled over trying to find warmth by sliding parts of my body under the areas of the comforter I can move, with my legs stuck in a position by a pug's heavy head. And let's not forget the joy of waking up to a stinky pug butt in my face.

Ideally, in this situation, I'd reposition diagonally on my bed and squeeze under the covers. Sometimes that happens. And sometimes I get fed up and yank on the comforter to budge a sleeping pug lump and move my legs (Sunny and Rosy HATE it when I do that). But today I didn't do either and I woke up like this.

Still, I can't imagine not having them with me in the big bed!


  1. That's exactly how mine like to sleep, too!

  2. Wonder why we put up with it ??!! I also have the pleasure of a puggle who loves a very early morning pee and poop visit - I didn't accept this behaviour from my children so why oh why does a Paddington puggy get away with it?!

  3. Wonder why we put up with it ??!! I also have the pleasure of a puggle who loves a very early morning pee and poop visit - I didn't accept this behaviour from my children so why oh why does a Paddington puggy get away with it?!
