Friday, June 1, 2012


This is for this week's Illustration Friday topic "hurry!" My pug is never as fast as when she senses me coming to take something yummy/interesting away. A leisurely sniff can turn into a lighting fast gobble as soon as I rush towards her to take something away. Yesterday it was a potato chip I had dropped. She snarfed that down quickly and was then super thirsty afterwards. Sigh. Pugs, can't live with them, certainly can't live without them!


  1. That's so funny and so true! My golden retriever was the same way!

  2. Haha! I know this feeling well! The look on his face - so guilty!

  3. Oh yeah - I know this one! Got a gobbley little Chihuahua does the same. Love your Pug!

  4. Yep. I know some hurry types! Fun drawing!

  5. So adorable! Pugs are so cute *because* they're so curious and trying to eat everything :)

  6. Sunny is adorable! My pug will eat anything including Legos, coins, paper, bark mulch, and the list goes on!
