Thursday, August 28, 2014

Pugling Rivalry Dummy Book

I've been working on a Pugling Rivalry book idea I had while doing the series on my blog.  I finished a dummy book which is text paired with rough illustrations.  I would love to one day publish this book (along with other pug-related book ideas I've had) but getting your foot into the publishing world is hard, especially when I've been so busy with my regular job and other life stuff.  So I thought it would be fun to post a few pages from the dummy book I put together. 

While Sunny and Rosy are best frenemies for life now, these pages pretty accurately capture what must have been going on in Sunny's head the first few months with Rosy. 

Hope you enjoy!

P.S. I may post some dummy book pages from another idea I had called One Sad Face.  I think I posted a few color drawings when I was working on it earlier and some of those drawings are what led to A Girl and Her Pug drawings.


  1. Love this! I have really enjoyed all your pug rivalry posts. Keep pursuing your book. I am sure there is just the right publisher out there for you. You may want to look at Blurb. I just bought a small cookbook from someone who used Blurb. Also I have seen lots of people turn to Kickstarter to get books published. Good luck!

  2. I love this! You have a true talent that speaks to many people on so many levels. Your love of pugs shines through everything you do! Keep pursuing your dream, as I know it will come true for you one day! Keep doing what you do!

  3. this is sooooo cute! poor sunny and her annoying kid sister ha. i feel like bowie thinks the same when we brought our rosie home since she always steals his toys/sleeping spots. ha. rosy and rosie are trouble makers!

  4. Oh man, cliffhanger! So does Sunny run Rosy off forever? Does Rosy get lost and have trouble finding her way home? If so, does Sunny feel terrible/guilty? Continue the book!

  5. WONDERFUL!!!! I'm looking forward to the finished story. This is just what Toby felt when Queenie came along (and sometimes still does...)

  6. Oh, please publish! You have an audience already, you can self-publish. I use CreateSpace, and it's super easy to do. Honest! If you want, I can tell you about how I did it. I'd love you to write By the way, I teach Spanish, and I have a Pug with a sombrero as my website illustration, and one of the moms is a Pug person herself. Guess who she wanted to make sure I knew about? Yep, Bah, Humpug! Just another devoted fan in Arizona!

  7. This just made my day!<333
