Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sweater Season

Ah sweater season is soon approaching! One of Sunny's least favorite times of the year is when I bring out her sweaters and coats. She doesn't like wearing sweaters, and yet she looks so cute in them! If I ever get a puppy I will get it used to wearing cute clothes early!


  1. Great job on coloring the sweat in this illustration--it looks velvety and hand-knitted!

  2. Oh, what a shame! :( Ziutek loves his sweaters and coats! :) And yeah, don't they look cute in them? :)

  3. My parents have a lurcher (well, part lurcher) who loves his fleece. Of course he also likes to go for long walks in all weathers, even torrential rain.

  4. I once knew a guy who said one of his dogs loved wearing sweaters, while the other didn't because she felt they made her look fat! :)
